Address S-X9HK-4BUR-9GNF-B2C59
ID 10632224743316430321
Name Trillian
Description One of the major difficulties Trillian experienced in her relationship with Zaphod was learning to distinguish between him pretending to be stupid just to get people off their guard, pretending to be stupid because he couldn't be bothered to think and wanted someone else to do it for him, pretending to be outrageously stupid to hide the fact that he actually didn’t understand what was going on, and really being genuinely stupid. He was renowned for being amazingly clever and quite clearly was so—but not all the time, which obviously worried him, hence, the act. He preferred people to be puzzled rather than contemptuous.
Total Balance 9.9 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0012 per SIGNA)
Free Balance 9.9 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0012 per SIGNA)
Locked Balance 0.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0012 per SIGNA)
Public Key A511DF3C2457BA0C1ECFD6223AC892FD4EA4CE6CD193E5A4FAB14685EE9F171A
at block 542875
Creation Block 542870