Description - will contain information on asset as it currently sits. Goal of the asset is to be the first BURST silver-backed asset, and to eventually provide prices on silver that are lower than market rates, with mining power and buying and selling silver coins, crypto trading, and more, to generate revenue for asset payouts. Payouts will be held monthly, initial release is 1000 assets to 1 oz of silver. Cash-out period starts after 3 months of the asset release. Initial silver reserve is fractional, and rest will be acquired within 6 months of asset release, trade-ins for silver start after 3 months. Here's to the future of BURST and providing a cheap silver gateway through the exclusive gateway made possible by BURST! Asset issued by crowetic, mm, and kitsune of BURST and expanded teams.
Circulating Quantity 1,000,000
Decimals 0
Mintable False
Issuer S-AHSW-3LVT-7YTX-A234L
BSILVER asset wallet
Current Owner S-AHSW-3LVT-7YTX-A234L
BSILVER asset wallet
Block 263641