Ticker PGround4
Description Phase 4 of the Playground Assets. Final Asset release. This asset will be used for support for other assets and Burst Mining Power. Asset holders will receive dividens on all assets purchased and also receive Burst that we have mined using the mining power. This assets also goes with phase 1, 2, and 3. All asset holders will receive dividens from all sources that are used in Phase 1, 2 ,3. This is the final release for a totoal of 800,000 assets relased from the playground. This will give a massive boost in income from all 4 phases and guarentee a weekly payout from all mined coins.
Circulating Quantity 500,000
Decimals 0
Mintable False
Issuer S-PG9F-YS79-NKVM-22TQT
Current Owner S-PG9F-YS79-NKVM-22TQT
Block 185992