Ticker mpTMG
Description TMG Mining Pool. Signa from token sales will use to mine TMG(token id: 11955007191311588286). All mined TMG will send to smartcontract for generate dividen (signa) to mpTMG holder. 2 mpToken will be mint for every TMG that SC Hold. 90% Signa from SC will be distributed to mpTMG holder, 1% for creator and 9% will be sent to S-BUYB-JU6R-KXNC-9NAUW to provide mpTMG buyback at 90% rate. mpTMG can be traded with TMG by sending it to SC at 45% rate (2 mpTMG = 0.9 TMG). mpTMG sent to SC will be burnt.
Circulating Quantity 400
Decimals 0
Mintable True
Issuer S-TMGP-6S93-Z8WG-785BE
Current Owner S-TMGP-6S93-Z8WG-785BE
Block 1110071