Ticker Playground
Description The Playground - Burst Coin Betting The playground is a fully functional web forum with Burst Bet implimentation. Bet on your favorite sports team, roll the dice, play slots, talk about Burst among your peers. All assets purchased will pay out dividends. Depending on the Busrt coin flow threw The Playground aswell as pay to asset holders after an investment return. You can see how this works and what features excist threw the website. We hope to see you active in the comunnity as it supports Burst Coin and its users.
Circulating Quantity 100,000
Decimals 0
Mintable False
Issuer S-PG9F-YS79-NKVM-22TQT
Current Owner S-PG9F-YS79-NKVM-22TQT
Block 173139