Ticker | phpdealer |
Description | You are considered official disributor of Phpeso Asset if you purchased this item. There will be a limit of 3000 official distributors in our project. Priviledges: (1) You can purchased with a limit 330,000.00Phpeso per month (2) Your Wallet ID will be included on our promotions as a legitimate distributor[FB pages, website] (3) You can purchased Phpeso asset directly to our project developer with lower rates. (4) Phpdealer is transferable(you can resell or award this asset) (5) You will be oriented for all of our project operations. Note: Users are allowed to handle at least maximum of 3 phpdealer. You must owned at least 1 phpdealer to have these priveledges. |
Circulating Quantity | 3,000.00000000 |
Decimals | 8 |
Mintable | False |
Issuer |
Thomas Rule Herdz |
Current Owner |
Thomas Rule Herdz |
Block | 339280 |