Ticker PIZZA
Description PIZZA v2 Re-release of the original PIZZA token (TokenID:15544426945959892528), adding 5 decimals of divisibility enabling fractional shares to (1/100,000th) of a PIZZA Token. To be swapped 1:1 with original PIZZA token, ID provided above. The PIZZA token facilitates investments on the Hive blockchain. Investments may include: -Liquidity Pools -Token Staking/Delegating -Hive Power Delegation Additional investment opportunities WILL be considered. The PIZZA token pays dividends to shareholders.
Circulating Quantity 4,998,737.64695
Decimals 5
Mintable False
CounterFiat's PIZZA Shop
Current Owner S-PZZA-UGM3-7K6R-G6FAR
CounterFiat's PIZZA Shop
Block 984987