Ticker Insurance
Description Insurance is like it's name suggests - it is an asset that provides insurance for investors against being burnt by a scam asset. It will not pay a monthly dividend, but may pay an annual bonus to investors. So, if you buy 1M of Insurance, then get scammed out of 100K on a scam asset, the asset will pay you back 25K burst. If you buy 100K of insurance and lose 1M on a scam asset, I'll pay you back 25K. 100% of the initial income from selling the Insurance asset will be invested in trustworthy assets, ongoing, 90% of the earnings from those investments will be re-invested, 10% will be taken as a maintenance and administration fee.
Circulating Quantity 1,000,000
Decimals 0
Mintable False
Haitch ACGB
Current Owner S-ACGB-YGHQ-G9ZL-5XD7U
Haitch ACGB
Block 272926