Ticker BurstOcean
Description The BurstOcean asset is designed to provide stability and growth to the BURST community and at the same time to reward its shareholders with decent dividends&bonuses. The wealth of the asset will be generated by several income streams that will be steadily implemented(the first revealed ones are Bitcoin&Burst Mining). The primary goal of BurstOcean is to ascend the BURST community to the heights it deserves. Find out more about our plans and progress:
Circulating Quantity 1,000,000.00
Decimals 2
Mintable False
Issuer S-HP7D-PER2-2DGS-8SZM5
BurstOcean Asset Wallet
Current Owner S-HP7D-PER2-2DGS-8SZM5
BurstOcean Asset Wallet
Block 291373