Ticker MicroBURST
Description The MicroBURST asset's primary goal is to expand operations of existing hardware mining operations. Secondarily to provide a vehicle to allow others the opportunity to invest in existing mining operations that will continue to grow in this new financial model for the world. The wealth of the asset will be generated by several income streams that have been in operation since Dec/2016. And will be steadily expanded upon to provide asset holders with increasing returns on investment. Find out more about our plans and progress:
Circulating Quantity 1,000,000.0000
Decimals 4
Mintable False
Issuer S-4T39-WTUG-WBVW-DX85C
MicroBURST Asset Account
Current Owner S-4T39-WTUG-WBVW-DX85C
MicroBURST Asset Account
Block 365142