Ticker DailyLotto
Description Chance to win daily mining earnings from the Daily Lotto Miner. ****Buy a share of Burst Lotto. Sell your share back into the "asset issuer" buy order and the ending digits of your Ask Order ID will be your lotto numbers for that particular drawing. ***** ****Sell back only one share at a time.**** If you buy 10 shares and sell all 10 back at once you will only have one Ask Order ID number thus only one set of lotto numbers. If you buy 10 shares (or any amount) and sell 10 shares back one at a time you will then have 10 Ask Order ID Numbers giving you 10 sets of lotto numbers. You must sell your share back to qualify for current drawing. You can save your share for a later drawing date. Pre ANN Winning numbers current jackpot info
Circulating Quantity 5,000,000
Decimals 0
Mintable False
John Jacob Grossweiner
Current Owner S-SQVV-LDHM-CVMK-75AU9
John Jacob Grossweiner
Block 368548