Ticker USDS
Description SIGNUM USD(USDS) is a 1:1 USD-backed stable coin issued on SIGNUM Blockchain. It is a digital fiat currency, issued as SIGNUM and supports all markets. USDS Use Case Based on the price stability, Stablecoin plays an important role in transactions, payments and settlement, and Decentralised Finance (DeFi). Here are some of the USDS use case: Transfer your digital dollars (USDS) anywhere in minutes, with low cost and on the blockchain. Trade USDS on different exchanges and DEX. Pay USDS as payment for goods and services. Use USDS as collateral and loan asset. Use USDS as cross collateral in Futures. Store USDS on an exchange or in a wallet.
Circulating Quantity 10,000,000,000.0000
Decimals 4
Mintable False
Issuer S-DD7S-K8TU-7P8X-HV8LP
Current Owner S-DD7S-K8TU-7P8X-HV8LP
Block 961464