Ticker MTMreload
Description As of September 10, 2017 MikeTheMug Gaming Asset Has been RELOADED! This Much needed update to one of the most successful, profitable assets on the entire AssetExchange is now Featuring fraction share trading and The POB (Proof of Burn) Process Which is explained in detail over at - The old original asset MikeTheMug Gaming has been swapped into this current one. All MTM gaming holders have been notified of the swap personally through a direct message unencrypted and sent to each holders burst wallet. on September 10,2017.
Circulating Quantity 5,000,000.0000
Decimals 4
Mintable False
Issuer S-5ANP-LRWY-77B8-2F72Y
MikeTheMug Gaming Asset Wallet
Current Owner S-5ANP-LRWY-77B8-2F72Y
MikeTheMug Gaming Asset Wallet
Block 402293