Ticker BCBXT
Description Burst Coin Bonus Exchange Token Use BCBXT to trade Burst Coin and earn bonus dividend based on monthly token sales from the pool. 50% of the token sales proceeds from the intitial pool will be distibuted equally between all BCBXT token holders. Bonus is paid in Burst Coin at the end of each calender month. For the initial period of 12 months 100000 tokens are sold at beginning of each month. The offer price is set based on the BCBXT closing price of the previous month (extreme price movements during the price observation period will be removed to avoid manipulation). After the intial peroid of 12 months a maximum of the following two options will be offered for sale each month: 100000 tokens or 10% of the total circulating BCBXT nominal based on the current period offering price. Bonus payments will continue as long as the intial pool has BCBXT tokens left for sale. Initial offering price will be 1 BCBXT = 1 BURST and the total offering is limited to 10 000 000 BCBXT tokens.
Circulating Quantity 10,000,000.00000000
Decimals 8
Mintable False
Issuer S-C6LE-55PD-PXDP-B9X4Y
Not tradable / Inactive
Current Owner S-C6LE-55PD-PXDP-B9X4Y
Not tradable / Inactive
Block 883863