Address S-HR3M-8SFV-X84D-D499Y
ID 13771130482613279795
Name d4PP0Z3
Description {"name":"Open Burst Pool","desc":"Open Burst Pool is a BURSTCOIN mining pool service based on BABEL POOL.\nMiners can join and set the share model as they want.\nOn the website visitors can find BURSTCOIN relevant informations, advertisements, chat window, price chart linking to technical analyzis, and other cool stuffs and usefull links.","repo":"","img":"","lic":"MIT","tags":["advertisement","pool","chart","mining"]}
Creator S-TB7D-QDDW-AQ6N-F7N4J
Balazs dAppository
Creation Block 835276
Version 2
Activation 5.0 SIGNA
($0.00 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8199855259883444791
State bytes
Code bytes