Address S-9H6T-22B8-XJ25-E6TRU
ID 14798586483289865369
Name BurstOSandARMSupport
Description Currently i'm developing an all-in-one GNU/Linux OS for Burst, it will have all the software needed to use the wallet and mining tools converted to GUI, open source, with own repository for install or update your wallet/mining tools easily and a documented wiki. Today was thinking to support ARM boards too (like Raspberry, Banana Pi/Pro, Cubietruck ...) but i dont have a Banana Pro to do some tests and developt it correctly. So this CF will be to help me to buy a Banana Pro. All the excess will be donated to the Burst PR team. Thank you, Kartojal.Crowdfund
Creator S-WYC4-HHV3-UHA2-CVF6S
Creation Block 70114
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0013 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes