Address S-4G74-SKPU-R8XX-GN9YF
ID 16643321547404163234
Name CloudBurstcoinMining
Description I'm interested in reaserching a way to mine Burstcoin from an online cloud service like Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon Drive, personal NAS servers, etc. I hope to one day streamline the process to do so and share it to the public (on the BurstCoin subreddit). If anyone is interested in helping me on my quest, please consider donating a few Burstcoin to help fund my research. I'd like to give a huge thank you in advance to all who help fund this project of mine.Crowdfund
Creator S-8DL9-UT99-XAPM-HB948
Creation Block 485389
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes