Address |
ID | 16792902679738669325 |
Name | FerrariSharing |
Description | A long-term invesment for fun; Now we all are working for the BURST development, let´s invest some coins in future fun. As soon as BURST reached 1 dollar, I will buy a Ferrari and it will be shared for everyone who pledge for this crowdfunding. The total amount it´s 700,000$, half for the Ferrari and the other half for maintain it and send it worldwide to be used for all of us.Crowdfund |
Creator |
Creation Block | 71096 |
Version | 1 |
Activation |
7.0 SIGNA ($0.01 @ $0.0007 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 8850941609898470763 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |