Address S-S487-WT8R-DFRN-GMRSM
ID 16853300926041819333
Name PublicAwareness
Description Hey guys! Harry Plotter here. The tourist season is about to kick in over here, and I've gotten the street level sea-side office. I just need a few more sheckels to finish up these brochures i'm making to literally hand out to people in the town walking around. There will be lots of information about where the future of blockchain tech is going and why it will be important to use MUCH less energy. thus, raising awareness for investing in BURST! I could use some help meeting the budget for our graphic designers and for beer. I will then be able to implement phase 1! Thanks, everybuddy! (And hey, don't worry about prices dropping. I'm about to work my street magic.)Crowdfund
Creator S-JDDX-6T65-G3LF-66NUP
Harry Plotter
Creation Block 476135
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes