Address S-XN3G-2VK6-97X8-HNGCD
ID 17701912936388153390
Name IOSBurstCoinMinerandWallet
Description Hey guys. I am an IOS/Android developer and teacher. I have started to develop a solution for Iphones and Ipads; mobile operating systems are the future and we should be ahead of other coins. Burst’s efficiency fits perfectly for mobile devices. The initial release will have a passphrase save and load function plus faucet and there will be plotting and mining available so everybody in the world can be part of the network - mining Burst and use it. Burst mining favors by design small miners and keeps the networks truly decentralized. To release the first version quickly and get mining and plotting I have asked my compsci students to join and help me out - and for THEM is this Crowdfund. - and we get them on board for further projects! Thank you for your support.Crowdfund
Creator S-EUT6-YC9L-N63Y-2XH6S
Creation Block 486035
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.001 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes