Address S-KGG7-QRL4-GBFY-4LX23
ID 2342912725449488837
Name BurstPowerNetwork
Description Very simple concept and business. Pre-plotted 1 TB HDD's are deployed and clients are given the oppoortunity to rent the mining rewards of a single 1 TB drive for $10 per month. When not rented the drives are still mining. The project will start with 10 online, pointing to a single internal mining pool(Uray's) and that pool will then point as a single entitiy to the best pool at that time. Mining rewards are dispersed weekly in direct proportion of their rented HDD's. Revenue based first on the rentals and perhaps on TX fee's. The actual start up cost of this is going to be nearly 10,000,0000 Burst, but we are supplying a good amount of the hardware, so this ICO is for only 100,000. The first 5000 raised will be used to create an Asset that can be used to track all expenses and revenues. Each 1,000 Burst funded here will be considered ten shares. Dividends paid weekly based on share ownership.Crowdfund
Creation Block 275378
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes