Address S-23VV-NSWG-K6JL-2Q6UC
ID 389727008430491515
Name BurstPi
Description TLDR: Custom OS for mining BURST on Pi that simplifies setup and mining, and prioritizes speed, cost, and efficiency. Free and open-source, with free support! The Raspberry Pi is perfect for BURST mining. It's small, power efficient, and silent. All you need to set up a BURST mining farm is one of those and some HDDs, and the Pi has plenty of USB ports for them. One problem remains, though; it's not exactly easy to set it up. BurstPi will be an OS dedicated to BURST mining. It will include an easy installer that allows you to import plotfiles from wherever and use Scavenger to mine them to whatever pool you want, with proxy support added as an update. It will be completely free and open-source, but that's also why this needs funding. Updates will be forever free, and free support is included (via Discord server). This will be very time-consuming, which is why I think it needs significant crowdfunding.Crowdfund
Creator S-4KNX-LEP4-BVZJ-CRQ78
Creation Block 783878
Version 2
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0011 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes