Address S-66ZZ-QT4X-ZKLX-28ABK
ID 622911503385891839
Name marketinganimations
Description In order to make burst as accessible as possible, I am working on explanation animations concerning Burst coins. These should explain what Burst is in a simple and friendly manner, without taking up too much time. The main goal is to make new people enthusiastic about Burst, possibly getting them to invest or join the community, which in turn will help create more value for Burst. (Which benefits everyone!) The first animation is almost done: On the roadmap for now is a new animation on the new features the Dymaxion brings, and an even shorter, more polished animation on burst in general as a general starting point for noobs. Please help me fund professional voice overs, audiotracks and animation assets. Lets take Burst to the MOON! Crowdfund
Creation Block 441000
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes