Address |
ID | 7446852081572606885 |
Name | GermanBurstPoolWebsite |
Description | I will create a poolwebsite for Burst in german language inkl. mining guides, best practises, how tos, a manual for beginners, example hardwares from my miners, scripts for tracking the mining taks, news over burst and so on. In future i will also provide this manuals in english for the main website. This funds raised by this project is for the domain and the monthly costs for the hoster. Also i will NOT sell this Coins. I will keep them and i invest the same amount in $/€ raised from my real money to keep the burst price high and the volume low. Why you should trust me: I´m mining and investing in Burst since the beginning. I invested over 12000Euros since now in Burst (bought with btc) and mining hardware. So far i´m mining with over 120TB every day. Until now i NEVER sold any of my coins because i really belive this coin has going big in the futureCrowdfund |
Creator |
cl86c86l |
Creation Block | 364239 |
Version | 1 |
Activation |
7.0 SIGNA ($0.01 @ $0.0008 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 8850941609898470763 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |