Address S-DSQ8-APN2-3DMM-8DC8Q
ID 7717282197946098374
Name Halp4Hooman
Description HenloFrens, am vv good boye from Germoney. My hooman has grillfriend in heckin New Zealond. Muving is expensive and am bit spooped of it, but I want hooman to be hapy. Hooman believes in brustcion and wants to keep them for at least 1 doggo year. I dunt know wat that means. He keps mining and buying it though, so I hope brustcion will b worth 1 German Rupee one dey. Hopefully even moar! Pls halp make hooman happy! Fankoo!Crowdfund
Creator S-8M4J-Y4TF-5JL3-H6X46
Creation Block 482474
Version 1
Activation 7.0 SIGNA
($0.01 @ $0.0009 per SIGNA)
Code Hash ID 8850941609898470763
State bytes
Code bytes