Address |
ID | 9527332228234806525 |
Name | NFTSRC40 |
Description | {"vs":1,"version":2,"types":["digital art"],"platform":"","descriptor":"QmZrq84u36Lk4CSzx3RH9GMcvxdwsgXiNzPyR3RZWDZC2C","nm":"Lilly Pond 10","av":{"QmNPTATPDiBVrVTvtGSQt3G4sEFiFzX16x6pBG9swY39Eu":"image/webp"},"ds":"Despite her growing discomfort, Lilly continued to work at the Radium Clock Company, convinced that the pain was just a minor side effect of the job. But as the months went by, her health began to decline rapidly. Her jaw would lock up, making it difficult to eat or speak. Her teeth would fall out, one by one, and her bones would ache with a dull, throbbing pain."} |
Creator |
Nivok Spilkommen |
Creation Block | 1368793 |
Version | 2 |
Activation |
0.3 SIGNA ($0.00 @ $0.001 per SIGNA) |
Code Hash ID | 15155055045342098571 |
State bytes | |
Code bytes |