Block #17953442899043247146
Block Height
Timestamp 5 years, 10 months ago (2019-02-05 08:51:54 UTC)
Transactions 1 transactions in this block
Total Amount 0.05 SIGNA ($0.00004)
Total Fee 0.00735 SIGNA ($0.00001)
Mined by S-LR7U-UQ6J-EX4D-73XQD
it was the burst of times
PoCC Pool: 50-50
Generation time 0:00:32
Block Reward 626.00735 SIGNA
Miner Fees 0.00735 SIGNA
Size 176 bytes
Base Target 269472
Version 3.8.3
Nonce 42855249
Payload Length 176
Payload Hash BAD22E565D6912518FACE956E8E6B4D324DD45EECECFCCE3A56E26B08BA0DC03
Cumulative Difficulty 02B89326B828F70D5A
Generator Public Key 5025CB3EED105E27C09364E8E4FDDF8DCA5DA9C7FD1A82613110F3F65CC77871
Generation Signature 6CAAA8B951F96E355D078583A61DE12431D345DE904D6E99673A8947946A8ED4
Block Signature 4E1F178E0B856F1D443D320D569FFCD524EBFBC7E483C419E727532D80C2AD03F7D042D1E1F3BA1397DD285BE18BF90B1CB67BB32EAA18BACB322F44FA9913DA
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