Block #8778684959729326139
Block Height
Timestamp 4 years, 7 months ago (2020-02-22 15:10:31 UTC)
Transactions 8 transactions in this block
Total Amount 45.05 SIGNA ($0.05273)
Total Fee 0.2646 SIGNA ($0.00031)
Mined by S-LR7U-UQ6J-EX4D-73XQD
it was the burst of times
Pool S-VNPG-8ZFT-5DC8-5WM56 【湾池 OnePooL】
Generation time 0:02:13
Block Reward 338.2646 SIGNA
Miner Fees 0.2646 SIGNA
Size 1.6 KB
Base Target 316666
Version 3.8.3
Nonce 27299628
Payload Length 1639
Payload Hash 390E544F7AB993D74019B25B277A983D3E180EED31BD7E60D1B5DD1949C3B002
Cumulative Difficulty 04EFF80AF8492F98D9
Generator Public Key 5025CB3EED105E27C09364E8E4FDDF8DCA5DA9C7FD1A82613110F3F65CC77871
Generation Signature 41A2B95697769B8215D736D178A74E516C24B0EBB6871163B8E125BDDE2374C2
Block Signature 7118A732481BDA9583E0BB54688FC1E3813ABE9BDB49D49C1AC5C1D52BFA5E09D8673BC26BDFFE0295EDEBA936BAFC68969858A2E03E49467756924B097306AD
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