Block #5255760668021268690
Block Height
Timestamp 4 years, 4 months ago (2020-05-07 11:47:24 UTC)
Transactions 6 transactions in this block
Total Amount 147.98391966 SIGNA ($0.17563)
Total Fee 0.15435 SIGNA ($0.00018)
Mined by S-UY5Y-GBTF-V6SG-3F8C4
Dwarf 6 of the clan 7
Bibenwei Burst Pool(80-20) |0…
Generation time 0:01:34
Block Reward 290.15435 SIGNA
Miner Fees 0.15435 SIGNA
Size 1.6 KB
Base Target 281978
Version 3.8.3
Nonce 18354214518061858042
Payload Length 1607
Payload Hash E1E20B2379637242772A9F8A4E954BC0DA865322A633C7C1E08686FAC8D0FF65
Cumulative Difficulty 0559AB825E6880340B
Generator Public Key 6DC68BF004002D310DA81FC7B4F9ED10A8932870066901AE72180099301CF97B
Generation Signature 34DB59743DF7431F6E01D283FBFE405D4E9F46A9FCB5921733EBE9069EFD7A5C
Block Signature E983CB28ECEF6BA3DE284FA2B319FC244ABEB47ECF909ABA8691D90ECD6DE00BD8AAE0B81FB9090A5E899F954C3508DBA9A69478C976726A47C9ED5CC6055F18
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