Transaction ID
Height 372399
922465 Block Confirmations
Type Reward Recipient Assignment
Timestamp 7 years ago (2017-06-18 12:34:30 UTC)
From S-4DB7-UN7J-DVZ8-5E3MU
To S-96UA-U583-ZNTF-2WXCJ | 2% | 5TB to 5…
Value 0.0 SIGNA ($0.0)
Fee 1.0 SIGNA ($0.0011)
Version 1
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 7 years ago (2017-06-18 12:39:10 UTC)
EC Block ID 14433146648306602496
EC Block Height 372385
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key EBE4313C52E77638BB89BDFFB8C6075A358A25EC8201AB6A58433A72CFE3FD37
Signature B91406498438C727F8A65966FB2CF45DC8C52192B78E30499F4C585DDB2C9F01AE6A78E5F78FD2FFC60C6B0C955959F75B05B4000628BD0067209CDB608386B0
Full Hash D7EEB0255E980DD9CFF5E7680D85FFD400216F8AF3AE3A5A5D56A3C3DBFC86B7
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