Transaction ID
Height 1245632
79610 Block Confirmations
Type Ask Order Placement
Token Ticker TMG
Token ID 11955007191311588286
Timestamp 7 months, 1 week ago (2024-02-17 10:01:28 UTC)
BTDEX Promotion and Expenses
To Ask Order Placement
Value 10.0 TMG
Fee 0.01 SIGNA ($0.0)
Version 2
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 7 months, 1 week ago (2024-02-17 10:02:19 UTC)
EC Block ID 3389939480981277186
EC Block Height 1245622
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 875CF1AAA10E471721013D93EF56BA66F902D903D2CC55D55C27C9DB6E3A8C4F
Signature F368ECB9562E55D885477DA27604218C22F5986217648F1A443585B800A5D7008869F656752958B658D6772156670A1639F995907B07F4A2C9E426130A098D4A
Full Hash 041C6C4BA74A331B882E611E51715C7BDDCD3951FDE8CF9CC7AD92D9283E3A29
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