Transaction ID
Height 1183827
135043 Block Confirmations
Type Distribute to Holders for Token CMI
Timestamp 1 year ago (2023-08-29 15:03:16 UTC)
From S-X2LS-DBK9-7K5A-7ZMT2
To Distribute to Holders
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Value 125.0 SIGNA ($0.1124)
Fee 0.01 SIGNA ($0.0)
Version 2
Deadline 20
Block Timestamp 1 year ago (2023-08-29 15:07:04 UTC)
EC Block ID 10283145013933314628
EC Block Height 1183816
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 89C1DEEB4070481B179CC161F61E0243CB1DB78D3F0E7547A9ACB390F98ECE1D
Signature 8418B0A57619502E27367E0E7E0F2393EEE8993F2F41F8BDB53F7B0FF9CE2C0AC3D75345573F007B4FFD56734A328963D3AF72A1E5E2B19BBA133737660597E9
Full Hash 643EBF974C53BA0861206B2D34B6B92C8F792C7D4F4947FC458EC235EE3F8745
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