Transaction ID
Height 1291716
34614 Block Confirmations
Type Distribute to Holders for Token FZT
Timestamp 3 months ago (2024-06-24 11:51:27 UTC)
From S-CU6T-TX64-9DG7-22U27
To Distribute to Holders
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Value 1,000.0 SIGNA ($1.1884)
Fee 0.304 SIGNA ($0.0004)
Version 2
Deadline 20
Block Timestamp 3 months ago (2024-06-24 11:53:41 UTC)
EC Block ID 4625479437370676655
EC Block Height 1291704
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 244CB9FFE05DFD61E5CFDC9D1F20FB13290B9895F7A0F00155AA0F64ADCD2E3D
Signature AAF2CFE6B3FAF1A192D1409949C03839A2CFCAF20DB27A88CE9C26FE3DC17F08018CE25F9B5A4F0A35EF97C794B733A9547F622DAE7E2EBF5B0C1AF241A450D8
Full Hash 1D359506240A726E7248958C936F0C0AC22815070F85106FED8C41A106F662D8
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