for block #930573
A total of 3 transactions found
Trans ID Block Timestamp Type From To Value Fee
941124921… 930573
3 years, 2 months ago
MultiOut Payment S-GG4B-34Y9-ZXGV-FNTNJ
multiple recipients
see transaction details
71.07177368 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
111553133… 930573
3 years, 2 months ago
MultiOut Payment S-S456-G8QD-HZQ7-B66VL
multiple recipients
see transaction details
89.3348399 SIGNA
0.0147 SIGNA
481983980… 930573
3 years, 2 months ago
Bid Order Placement S-GTYA-98FV-AY9Q-2T7F4
Bid Order Placement 10.0 TRT 0.02205 SIGNA